
More power in reduced space
Slim design and minimised weight lead to considerable savings in operating
costs. Compared to previous models, we have reduced our G-series by
10% in height, for example. Since the robots have no tubes and the user
wiring inside, the design is particularly compact.
Larger work envelope
We have increased the working range of our SCARA kinematics by an
average 23%. The result is an work envelope which is equal to that of
non-Epson robots of the next bigger size.
Higher speed
We have achieved an average increase in axis speed of 20%, just the same
as the payload. Every kinematics has the highest position accuracy of its
High effi ciency, optimised ratio of supplied energy and
All Epson robots stand out for a particularly low power consumption.
That way, electric energy is converted into kinetic energy so as
to achieve high effi ciency and short cycle times.
Reduced mass but increased power. Optimised ef ciency. Compact design but
a larger work envelope. We always consider the next step. It is not all about the
initial investment, but also about the operating and follow-up costs of our robots
in your application. Our aim: to be effi cient in every way.
Economical —
also in the long run
The combination of maximum
reliability, a reduced number of
components and reusability
of components results in a
high added value.
Axis speed
Increased work