User Setup Information

Other Film Factory Features
Film Factory includes several other features that are fun and productive. You can:
Create a photo collage
Create a photo slide show
Play a movie file
Create web pages of your photos
Use a photo as your desktop wallpaper (Windows only)
Create a screen saver (Windows only)
Export photos to a file or to e-mail (Windows only for e-mail)
Creating a Collage
Follow these steps to create a collage of two or more photos:
1. From the Main menu, select the photos you want to be in the collage.
2. Click the
button and select
Create Collage
. You see this window:
Browse to the
folder where you
want to store the
Specify the file
name and type
Select 1, 2, or 3
columns and
the background
Select the size
(number of pixels)