System Instruction

Table Of Contents
Patch Insulin Pump System
PDA Battery Level:Shows the PDA's
battery level status in varying degree. If
thePDA is charging, it displays .
Press the button at the middle of the
Status Bar and it will enlarge as in Figure
Figure 28
Information Display Area
Normally the Information Display Area
shows the three most important pieces
of information regarding your condition:
your last blood glucose level, the last bolus
administered, and the current basal rate.
During special functions (bolus delivery,
temporary basal rates, and suspend mode)
the Information Display Area will show the
status of those functions until the actions
are completed.
Function Buttons
Bolus: Pressing this button takes you to
the Bolus Screen where you can administer
a normal or extended bolus.
Basal: Pressing this button takes you
to the Basal Screen where you can adjust
your basal programs or start a temporary
If more than one BG Reminder has
been programmed, only the next BG
Reminder is shown in the enlarged
Status Bar. If no BG Reminders are
programmed, nothing is shown.