Reference Manual

RBS 2106 and RBS 2206Radio Configurations
A BTS is a unit operating on a set of frequencies in one cell.
A basic configuration is a specified set of transceivers, CDUs, and in some
cases, TMAs, connected to one antenna system.
A basic configuration can be multiplied or used in combination with other basic
configurations to build the needed site equipment.
Variations of a basic configuration may exist, differing in cable lengths. This
depends on factors such as implementation in different cabinets.
An RBS is all equipment in an Ericsson base station, and may be comprised
of several BTSs.
Each RBS has one DXU, controlling a maximum of 12 TRXs.
The SCC is a geographical concept describing how an area around one RBS
site is divided into radio traffic areas. The following types of site are defined:
Radio coverage in one 360 degree sector, that is in
one area, using one BTS.
VHFWRU VLWH Radio coverage in two sectors, that is two distinct
areas, using two BTSs.
VHFWRU VLWH Radio coverage in three sectors, that is three distinct
areas, using three BTSs.
5%6 
Outdoor cabinet with a maximum of six dTRUs/12 TRXs
per cabinet
5%6 
Indoor cabinet with a maximum of six dTRUs/12 TRXs
per cabinet
6 (90)
EN/LZT 720 0318 Uen R1A