Reference Manual

+24 V DC to -48 V DC/DC Converter for RBS 2106 DC/DC Converter
6 (8) EN/LZT 720 0301 R1A
5.1 Signal and Power Interfaces
Input data
Table 3 Input power data
Nominal voltage +24 V DC
Permitted variations +18.0 to 31.0 V DC
Undervoltage protection +18.0 to 21.0 V DC
Default start level
+23.5 ±0.2 V DC
Default stop level
+18.5 ±0.2 V DC
Rated power 200 W
Output data
Table 4 Output power data
Rated voltage -48 V DC
Setting range -46.0 to –57.0 V DC
Default output 54 V DC
Overvoltage protection -57.5 to 59.5 V DC
Output current 4.0 A at –48 V
Efficiency at 200 W output 88%
-54 V 225 W
-48 V, 4.6 – 5.2 A 225 W
Current or power
limitation at U
-40 V, 5.0 – 6.0 A 225 W
Noise voltage, psophometric value
1 mV
5.2 Operator Interface
The DC/DC Converter has the following interfaces, all located on the front
ON/OFF switch
Input stop potentiometer
Output stop adjustment potentiometer
Start and Stop Test ports