Reference Manual

RBS 2000 Glossary
Central Main Replaceable Unit.
The RBS is physically connected to the Base Station
Controller (BSC) via the CMRU. There is only one
CMRU in each RBS.
0LFUR CMRU = The whole RBS
Combining Network Unit
LAPD concentrator
LAPD concentration is used to reduce the number of
required physical links between the BSC and BTS.
Co-siting is the operation of radio equipment from more
than one mobile telephone system and/or frequency on
the same site sharing common equipment.
Communication and Power Interface
Customer Product Information
Central Processing Unit
Cyclic Redundancy Check
Coding Scheme
Canadian Standards Association
Consecutive Severely Errored Second
Channel Service Unit
Combining Unit (RU in CDU_D)
Configuration Switch Unit
ASIC in the TRU
Direct Current
7 (22)
EN/LZT 720 0283 Uen R1A