Reference Manual

Radio Base Station RBS 2106
12 (30) EN/LZT 720 0222 R3A
Table 6 Maximum power to antenna for various RBS 2106 configurations
Configuration No.
Maximum CDU
output power
per TRU
Maximum power
into antenna
E-GSM 900 G:1x2 1 48.3 / 67.6 45.3 / 33.9
E-GSM 900 G:1x4 2 45 / 31.6 45.0 / 31.7
E-GSM 900 F:1x12 6 46 / 39.8 50.8 / 120
GSM 1800 G:1x2 1 46.8 / 47.9 43.8 / 24.0
GSM 1800 G:1x4 2 43.5 / 22.4 43.5 / 22.4
GSM 1800 F:1x12 6 43 / 20 47.8 / 60
(1) Including tolerance.
(2) Including 3 dB transmission loss.
4.4 Materials
All Ericsson products fulfil legal, market and Ericsson requirements regarding:
Fire resistance of material, components, wires and cables
Declaration of materials
Use of restricted materials
Package Material
The package material is recyclable.
5 Hardware Units
A high level of availability is achieved using strict functional modularity in a
system of standardised Replaceable Units (RUs). A failed RU can easily be
replaced by a new one.