User's Manual Part 2

RBS 2308 and RBS 2309 User’s Guide
11. Click on Start Monitor and read the value of the cable attenuation. The
displayed value is given in deci dB (10 deci dB = 1 dB). Make a note of
the value in the test record.
12. Add the measured cable attenuation values. The value given by Lin Att
PCM A (C) is the cable attenuation to the previous RBS in the chain, so
the measured value must be added to the value for the previous RBS(s) to
obtain the total cable attenuation for the RBS in question.
13. Use the total cable attenuation value to find the long haul parameter value
for LBO A (C) in the table below.
Table 47 Long Haul Parameters for Different Maximum Input Signal Levels
Long Haul Parameters for Di
fferent M aximum Input Signal
Levels at the Far End
Cable Attenuation
0 dB -7.5 dB -15 dB -22.5 dB
0–7.5 0
-15 -22.5
7.5–15 0 0
15 22.5 0 0 0
>22.5 0000
14. If there is another RBS in the chain, set LBO B (D) to “Long h., 0 dB”. Used
B ports are always set to “Long h., 0 dB”.
If this is the last RBS in the chain, set LBO B (D) to “Short h., 0 133 feet”.
Unused ports are always set to “Short h., 0 133 feet”.
15. If there is another RBS in the chain, repeat steps 7 to 14.
The following example illustrates what is said above.
Far End
Measured cable
attenuation = 5 dB
input signal
level= -15 dB
/LZT 720 0027 Uen R8A 2006-06-27