User's Manual Part 2

RBS 2308 and RBS 2309 User’s Guide
chain. The TEI value for the RBS must also match the TEI value the BSC uses
to identify the RBS. For RBSs not connected in a cascade chain, the default
TEI value can be used.
1. On the Configuration menu, click Define and TEI to open the Define TEI
dialog box.
2. Click Run to open the D efine TEI for IXU 0 window.
3. Enter the TEI value found in the Site Installation Documentation.ClickOK.
7.6.13 Defining TNOM
This section describes how to define the Transport Network Operation and
Maintenance (TNOM) parameters if s upported by the network (DXX support).
DXX support enables an O&M centre to monitor the transmission performance
of an RBS. The table below describes the TNOM parameters possible to define.
Table 49 TNOM Parameters
Parameter Valid Values
TNOM use On,
Activates or deactivates DXX support
in an RBS.
E1: 31
T1: 24
Defines the 64 kbps time slot on
the E1/T1 link that is used for DXX
support of the RBS. It needs to be
set only if TNOM use is on.
node Id
1 65534 1
Defines a unique identifier for a node,
such as an RBS in a DXX network. It
must only be set if TNOM use is on
and must be equal to the value set in
the O&M centre.
1. On the Configuration menu, click Define and TNOM to open the Define
TNOM window.
2. Set TNOM Use to “On”.
3. In the TNOM Timeslot box, enter the value. Valid TNOM time slot values
are shown in the table above.
4. In the TNOM Node ID box, enter the correct values. Valid TNOM Node ID
values are found in the table above. Click OK when finished.
7.6.14 Installing IDB
This section describes how to install the IDB in the RBS, by connecting the
OMT to the RBS and loading the IDB from the PC to the RBS.
/LZT 720 0027 Uen R8A 2006-06-27