User's Manual Part 3

RBS 2308 and RBS 2309 User’s Guide
10.3.6 SO CF RU:15/ Fan
This section descr
ibes how to localize an SO CF RU:15/ Fan fault.
Related RU
The RU listed belo
w has higher priority than the RU described in this section. If
it is present, go t
o the related section before handling this RU.
If “SO CF RU:34/ ID
B” appears in the OMT, then proceed with Section
10.3.8 SO CF RU:3
4/ IDB on page 187
Displaying Faul
t Information
Display fault in
formation according to Section 10.3.1 Reading Fault Status
on page 177.
Perform the foll
owing actions step-by-step until the fault ceases.
Checking IDB Con
1. In the Maintenan
ce menu in OMT, select Check IDB to display possible
es between the HW and the IDB. Ensure that the IDB
is in accordance with the HW cabinet configuration regarding
defined clima
te system.
Checking Fan U
Rotating fan b
lades can cause injury to body parts that come into contact with
the blades. Bl
ades in fan units continue to rotate for a period of time, even after
the fan has bee
n switched off. Wait until fans have stopped rotating completely
before start
ing work on or near fans.
2. Remove the fan unit cover.
3. Ensure that the fans rotate freely and without obstruction.
Resetting Fan Unit
4. Press the Test button on the fan unit.
EN/LZT 720 0027 Uen R8A 2006-06-27