User's Manual Part 4

RBS 2308 and RBS 2309 User’s Guide
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that products are cleaned and
labelled according to instructions from Ericsson.
Products received without a proper label or that are not cleaned from, for
example, bird dropping, soil, or soot, are subject to being returned without
being repaired.
Cleaning Procedure
When cleaning the unit always follow the instructions from the supplier of the
cleaning product, for example, use of gloves and ventilation requirements.
Note: Do not use a wire brush, degreasing agents, chlorinated solvents, or
chlorinated hydrocarbons when cleaning the unit.
1. Protect the RBS unit by sealing connectors, covers, hatches, and cable
glands according to the figures below. Use tape or rubber dust covers to
seal all openings on the unit.
2. Clean the unit from heavy dirt using a non-abrasive brush or a sponge and
normal consumer cleaning products. High-pressure steam can be used.
3. Let the Virkon disinfectant bag dissolve in water.
4. Use a sponge and the Virkon solution and rub the unit clean.
5. Wipe the unit dry and remove all tape and covers used to protect the
openings of the unit.
6. Apply the disinfection label SVB 154 589/1 on the unit according to the
figures below.
7. Apply the disinfection label SVB 154 589/1 on the packing box.
/LZT 720 0027 Uen R8A 2006-06-27