User's Manual Part 4

RBS 2308 and RBS 2309 User’s Guide
CCH for control signalling
physical channel channel combination
logical RU
Can be referred to but is not a single physical unit.
LOS Loss of Signal
LVD Low Voltage Directive
LSB Least Significant Bit
LVF Low Voltage Filter
MAC Media Access Control
MADT Mean Accumulated Downtime
magazine Reserved space in a cabinet that can hold one or more
main RU
Contains one or more processors, to which software
can be downloaded from the BSC. Main RUs are either
central (CMRU) or distributed (DMRU) and may or may
not have direct signalling links to the BSC.
MBU Mounting Base Unit
Megabits per Second
Multicasting Box
MCPA Multicarrier Power Amplifier
ME Managed Entity
MHS Modification Handling System
Ericsson trouble report database.
Mini-Link Ericsson microwave transmission system.
Man–Machine Interface
MO Managed Object
MR Measurement Receiver
MRT Mean Repair Time
MS Mobile Station
MSB Most Significant Bit
/LZT 720 0027 Uen R8A 2006-06-27