Reference Manual

Diagnostics and Fault Handling
When detecting a fault, the RBS automatically evaluates the fault
situation and indicates the suspected faulty RU. The fault status of the
RBS is updated with this information.
When a fault is pin-pointed to a specific RU this is visually indicated as
specified within the context of Operation and Maintenance Support.
47.5 Local Action
When a fault is detected for a SE it may be necessary to minimize the
effect of the fault. It is called a local action.
Preconditions and initiation
The fault detection function has detected a fault for a SE.
The impact of certain faults can sometimes be minimized by local
actions. This is done automatically by the RBS.
Permitted actions are:
Certain faults can sometimes be cleared by re-initiating
the offending hardware. For example, if a
communication circuit behaves unexpectedly, it is
reinitiated. Note that re-initiation of an entire RU or a
processor is not allowed as a local action.
Fault isolation
If a detected fault could cause equipment damage, the
equipment is isolated. For example, if a transmitter is
overheated, it is switched off.
Fault compensation
Certain faults can sometimes be compensated for
elsewhere in the RBS. For example, if a fan is faulty, the
speed of the other fans is increased.
Supervision continues after performing a local action. If the fault
ceases, the local action is stopped.
47.6 Fault Reporting
This function reports MO faults to the BSC.
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