Reference Manual

Transport network O&M functions-DXX Support
Both CSU line loop back and CSU payload loop back have higher
priority than the DXX line loop. This means that the DXX loop will be
suspended when CSU loops (PLB or LLB) is activated. When CSU
loop is deactivated, the DXX loop is resumed again.
57.4.11 DXX Node inventory
This function is initiated during restart of the DXU if the parameter
TNOM_use in RBS DB is already set to ON, otherwise the function is
initiated when the parameter is set to ON.
This function maintain the RBS node inventory and settings of the
transmission interface parameters. The parameters controlled from BSS
cannot be modified from DXX.
It is from DXX possible to make a node inventory in order to view the
HW and SW status of the DXU, as well as the interface parameter
Node inventory
Hardware types and software types and versions (revisions) can be
retrieved by request from DXX.
The SW type and version is the type and version for the specific DXX
support software (not for the RBS software).
The HW type inventory include RBS-E1 and RBS-T1.
Transmission interface parameter settings
It is also possible from DXX to get the parameter settings for the
transmission interface in the RBS.
The parameter settings that can be fetched are:
Status of TS0 Sa bits “1” or “0”.
TN O&M timeslot allocation.
Type of interface selected. The interface options are: E1 long-
haul, E1 short-haul, T1 long-haul, T1 short-haul, and E1 external
HDSL modem.
Alarm fault filter parameters (see Section 57.4.9 on page 456).
Performance limit parameters (see Section 57.4.8 on page 453).
57.4.12 Administration of TNOM generic functions
The TNOM generic functions are administrated from the OMT by use
of the parameters TNOM_use, TNOM_timeslot and TNOM_nodeid.
Application Parameters
TNOM allocationThe parameter used for the Transport Network O&M
Timeslot allocation is: TNOM_use
The valid range of the parameter is:ON (Auto)OFF
458 (485)
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