Installation Instructions

BRU1 MANUAL, b1commis Uen Rev PA5, 2004-02-20
9.3 Connecting the BRU1
9.3.1 Connection Procedure
In BRU1, the CONSOLE and NODOP share the same port. Use cable TSRA
902 0190 to connect the portable PC, with VT100 emulation software, to the
console and NODOP port
9.3.2 NODOP
NODOP (NODe Operators Program) is used to facilitate fault diagnosis and
commissioning of nodes in the Mobitex network. By using NODOP an operator
can access information about the set-up of nodes and operation data.
9.3.3 Console
The connection of a terminal to a node’s console port enables the facility for
reading screen messages, thus making it possible to follow what is happening
in the node. The screen read-out enables the operator to follow the node both at
initial start-up, and also when troubleshooting.
9.4 Installation of BRU1 Software
1. Connect the FE Console Cable TSRA 902 0190 between the PC and the
console port connector P1-Console in the BRU1.
2. Start the terminal software.
3. Turn the power on by connecting the power cable.
4. At request, enter !!! and set the thumb-wheel to position 7.
5. When getting the <CMD> prompt, you may set BRU1 baudrate. The
maximum possible baudrate is 115200. The higher the baudrate, the faster
the loading of the remaining software will be.
The baudrate is set by entering SB and <RETURN>, and, when prompted,
[baudrate] and <RETURN>.
6. Change the baudrate of the terminal emulator to that of BRU1.