Installation Instructions

18 (23) BRU1 MANUAL
BRU1 MANUAL, b1commis Uen Rev PA5, 2004-02-20
First Start-up, MAIN and CONFIG Present
1. Check the contents of the WP2 disc by running the following command:
2. When the node has rebooted automatically, run the following command:
CMD> b WP2: a1_xxxxx.mb3 <RETURN>
The restart resumes.
3. Wait until the BRU1 is connected to its superior node.
4. Run the following commands and press <RETURN>:
NODOP> set boot config anydsk [config file] Yes
NODOP> set boot master anydsk [MAIN software] Yes
5. Run the following command to reboot the node:
NODOP> boot master 120 Yes <RETURN>
6. When you are prompted, enter !!! on the console port and set the thumb-
wheel to position 0.
7. Check with the NCC operator that no alarms are present.
8. Tell the NCC operator to update the NMS Client.