User guide

LIP-8012E & LIP-8024E Gigabit Phone User Guide
8.5 Push-To-Talk (PTT) Page
iPECS Phones can be assigned as a member of one or
more of the system’s nine Push-To-Talk (PTT) page
groups. Users separately log-in or log-out of any one or
all PTT groups to which the phone is assigned. Once
logged in, place or receive one-way page
announcements to/from other users who are logged in
to the same PTT group.
8.6 Wake-Up Alarm
iPECS supports an Alarm clock for each station in the
system. The alarm clock can be set to repeat daily or
as a one-time alarm.
When responding to the alarm by lifting the handset,
BGM or Wake-Up Alarm announcement (iPECS-LIK &
iPECS SBG-1000) will be provided.
To log-in to a PTT group:
Dial #0(iPECS-LIK)/538(iPECS-MG),
Dial the desired PTT group number (1-9 or 0 for all groups),
To log-out of the PTT group(s):
Dial #0(iPECS-LIK)/538(iPECS-MG), the PTT Log-in/out code,
Press the * key.
To place a page announcement to the active PTT group:
Press and hold the PTT Flex button,
After confirmation tone, make page announcement.
To set the Wake Up Alarm clock:
Dial 41(iPECS-LIK)/21(iPECS SBG-1000)/13(iPECS-MG)
(Alarm Clock code),
Dial 2-digit hour and minute for alerting,
For a daily (repeating alarm), press #,
To erase Wake-Up:
Dial 42(iPECS-LIK)/22(iPECS SBG-1000)/14(iPECS-MG)
(Alarm Clock delete code),