User guide

LIP-8040E Gigabit Phone User Guide
press the Flex button to hear the caller as the voice
message is stored.
Speaker mode (iPECS-LIK & SBG)/Speaker Hearing
Mode (iPECS-MG)—when the call is sent to the voice
mailbox, the caller’s voice is automatically broadcast
over the speaker of your iPECS Phone.
You may terminate screening, leaving the caller in voice
mail to record a message, talk with the caller and record
the conversation in the mailbox, or answer the call and
disconnect the Voicemail. The AME feature is only
available when using the iPECS VMIM/VSF Voice Mail;
a M
UTE and AME button should be programmed (refer
to Appendix A User Program Codes).
3.4 Differential Ring Signals
When multiple phones in a small area ring, it can be
difficult to tell which are ringing. The iPECS Phone has
14 Ring Tones available for differentiating one phone’s
ringing from another. Four of the tones are stored in the
phone permanent memory; the remaining ten tones are
in the system memory. Four of these ten can be
downloaded into the phone memory for use as the 5
Ring Tone.
To screen a call in Ring mode(iPECS-LIK & SBG)/LED blink
Press the flashing AME button, the caller’s voice is broadcast
over the station speaker and stored in the voice mailbox (in the
Speaker mode, broadcast is automatic).
To stop the voice broadcast and leave the caller in Voice Mail:
Press the illuminated SPEAKER button.
To talk with the caller and record the conversation in Voice Mail:
Press the MUTE button.
To answer the call and cancel the voice message recording:
Press the illuminated AME button, the caller is connected and
the Voice Mail disconnected.