User's Guide

Table Of Contents
Configuration and Management
Figure 10 – Enter password page
Type user in the “Password” field and click the Log In button. For security
purposes, it is recommended to change the default password, see section
3.11Change Password.
Note: You might, at any time, be redirected to the “Enter password” page
without your intention if there are any problems with the connection
to the mobile network and/or Internet. In this case, just enter the
password and check the “ALARMS” section on the Overview page.
After a successful login, the Overview page is displayed, see section
3.1.3 Inactivity Timeout
The WUI has an inactivity timeout set to 20 minutes. Before this timeout
expires, it is preceded by a notification (displayed on top of the current
displayed page) one minute before the automatic logout:
Figure 11 - Inactivity Timeout Warning
The Cancel button can be clicked to abort the automatic logout.
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