Technical data

White Paper, April 2002
EMS (Enhanced
Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) adds new
powerful functionality to the well-known SMS
standard. With it, mobile phone users can add
life to SMS text messaging in the form of
pictures, animations,sound and formatted
text.This gives the users new ways to express
feelings, moods and personality in SMS
messages. As well as messaging,users will enjoy
collecting and swapping pictures and ring
signals and other melodies, downloading them
from the Internet or editing them directly on the
EMS uses existing SMS infrastructure and
industry standards, keeping investments to a
minimum for operators and providing a familiar
user interface and compatibility with existing
phones and with other manufacturers.
EMS more than just words
Sounds and melodies
EMS gives the user the ability to send and
receive sounds. These can be pre-defined
sounds, such as “Chime high” and “Notify ”, or
melodies (ring signals in the phone), downloaded
from the Internet, received in SMS messages or
composed by the user on the phone keypad or a
Several sounds and melodies can be inserted in
one message, and they can be combined with
Pictures, animations and formatted
Phones supporting EMS include a set of pre-
defined pictures for inserting in SMS messages.
New pictures and animations are downloaded
from the Internet or received in SMS messages.
Pictures can be created and edited in the phone
using a built-in Picture Editor. Several pictures
can be inserted in one message,and they can be
combined with sounds and melodies. The users
can format text in messages with different styles
and sizes.
Concatenated messages
concatenated messages, which means that the
phone is able to automatically combine several
messages both when creating and receiving
EMS. This is useful to be able to build,and
display,messages with rich content,since the
amount of information in each SMS is limited by
the SMS standards.
New possibilities with
The EMS standard is now a part of the SMS
standard and supported by the major network
operators and mobile phone manufacturers. This
universal approach enables a fast penetration
and development of new services and
applications within messaging.
Creativity explosion
Users will be inspired to create and swap their
own melodies and pictures. But more
importantly, professional content creators and
providers are already preparing to offer
imaginative and creative contents for use with
EMS. Based on subscriptions, fees or ads,
network operators will be able to provide wide
ranges of ring signals, operator logos and
corporate icons, as well as personal and mood-
related pictures and melodies. Movie, music and
game companies can promote new products and
events with designer melodies, animations and
Huge business potential
Network operators can now enhance their
services and attract more customers by offering
pictures, animations, ring signals and melodies
for download at their portals. Operators can
charge more per EMS message since it contains
more data. Thereby EMS adds more value to the
operators and to the end users.
Increase SMS revenue
EMS uses the same basic network support as
ordinary SMS, and with the same familiar user
interface. From an operator's point of view, SMS
is low tech because minimal investment is
needed to provide an effective SMS service to
subscribers and little maintenance is required.
EMS will create additional revenue for service
providers and network operators by increasing
SMS traffic.