User guide

Table Of Contents
marked by a were present only in the opened log and are missing in the active one.
Description of all symbols that can be displayed next to items:
new value, not present in the previous log
tree structure section contains new values
removed value, present in the previous log only
tree structure section contains removed values
value / file has been changed
tree structure section contains modified values / files
the risk level has decreased / it was higher in the previous log
the risk level has increased / it was lower in the previous log
The explanation section displayed in the left bottom corner describes all symbols and also displays the names of logs
which are being compared.
Any comparative log can be saved to a file and opened at a later time.
Generate and save a log, recording original information about the system, to a file named previous.xml. After changes
to the system have been made, open ESET SysInspector and allow it to generate a new log. Save it to a file named
In order to track changes between those two logs, click File > Compare logs. The program will create a comparative
log showing differences between the logs.
The same result can be achieved if you use the following command line option:
SysIsnpector.exe current.xml previous.xml
5.6.3 Command line parameters
ESET SysInspector supports generating reports from the command line using these parameters:
generate a log directly from the command line without running the GUI
generate a log excluding sensitive information
store the resulting log directly on the disk in a compressed file
suppress the display of the log generation progress bar
/help, /?
display information about the command line parameters
To load a specific log directly in the browser, use: SysInspector.exe "c:\clientlog.xml"
To generate a log to a current location, use: SysInspector.exe /gen
To generate a log to a specific folder, use: SysInspector.exe /gen="c:\folder\"
To generate a log to a specific file/location, use: SysInspector.exe /gen="c:\folder\mynewlog.xml"
To generate a log excluding sensitive information directly in a compressed file, use: SysInspector.exe /gen="c:\mynewlog.
zip" /privacy /zip
To compare two logs, use: SysInspector.exe "current.xml" "original.xml"
NOTE: If the name of the file/folder contains a gap, then should be taken into inverted commas.