User guide

Table Of Contents
77 Executing Service scripts
Mark all desired items, then save and close the script. Run the edited script directly from the ESET SysInspector main
window by selecting the Run Service Script option from the File menu. When you open a script, the program will
prompt you with the following message: Are you sure you want to run the service script “%Scriptname%”? After you
confirm your selection, another warning may appear, informing you that the service script you are trying to run has not
been signed. Click Run to start the script.
A dialog window will confirm that the script was successfully executed.
If the script could only be partially processed, a dialog window with the following message will appear: The service
script was run partially. Do you want to view the error report? Select Yes to view a complex error report listing the
operations that were not executed.
If the script was not recognized, a dialog window with the following message will appear: The selected service script is
not signed. Running unsigned and unknown scripts may seriously harm your computer data. Are you sure you
want to run the script and carry out the actions? This may be caused by inconsistencies within the script (damaged
heading, corrupted section title, empty line missing between sections etc.). You can either reopen the script file and
correct the errors within the script or create a new service script.
5.6.5 FAQ
Does ESET SysInspector require Administrator privileges to run ?
While ESET SysInspector does not require Administrator privileges to run, some of the information it collects can only
be accessed from an Administrator account. Running it as a Standard User or a Restricted User will result in it collecting
less information about your operating environment.
Does ESET SysInspector create a log file ?
ESET SysInspector can create a log file of your computer's configuration. To save one, click File > Save Log in the main
program window. Logs are saved in XML format. By default, files are saved to the %USERPROFILE%\My Documents\
directory, with a file naming convention of "SysInpsector-%COMPUTERNAME%-YYMMDD-HHMM.XML". You may
change the location and name of the log file to something else before saving if you prefer.
How do I view the ESET SysInspector log file ?
To view a log file created by ESET SysInspector, run the program and click File > Open Log in the main program
window. You can also drag and drop log files onto the ESET SysInspector application. If you need to frequently view
ESET SysInspector log files, we recommend creating a shortcut to the SYSINSPECTOR.EXE file on your Desktop; you
can then drag and drop log files onto it for viewing. For security reasons Windows Vista/7 may not allow drag and drop
between windows that have different security permissions.
Is a specification available for the log file format? What about an SDK ?
At the current time, neither a specification for the log file or an SDK are available since the program is still in
development. After the program has been released, we may provide these based on customer feedback and demand.
How does ESET SysInspector evaluate the risk posed by a particular object ?
In most cases, ESET SysInspector assigns risk levels to objects (files, processes, registry keys and so forth) using a series
of heuristic rules that examine the characteristics of each object and then weight the potential for malicious activity.
Based on these heuristics, objects are assigned a risk level from 1 - Fine (green) to 9 - Risky (red). In the left navigation
pane, sections are colored based on the highest risk level of an object inside them.
Does a risk level of "6 - Unknown (red)" mean an object is dangerous ?
ESET SysInspector's assessments do not guarantee that an object is malicious that determination should be made by
a security expert. What ESET SysInspector is designed for is to provide a quick assessment for security experts so that
they know what objects on a system they may want to further examine for unusual behavior.
Why does ESET SysInspector connect to the Internet when run ?
Like many applications, ESET SysInspector is signed with a digital signature "certificate" to help ensure the software was
published by ESET and has not been altered. In order to verify the certificate, the operating system contacts a certificate
authority to verify the identity of the software publisher. This is normal behavior for all digitally-signed programs under
Microsoft Windows.