User's Manual

With the - and + buttons next to the number for the playback channel, you can change this assignment.
With the STEREO LINK button at the bottom of the dialog, you can make sure that channel
assignments are always changed in pairs (perfect for stereo signals).
DirectWIRE Output Channels examples
Let’s look at the following example configuration:
In this example, the signal from playback channel 5 / 6 is sent to the physical outputs 1 and 2, the
signal from playback channel 1 / 2 is sent to the physical outputs 3 and 4, the signal from playback
channel 3 / 4 is sent to physical outputs 5 and 6 and the playback channels 7 / 8 are being sent as
default to physical outputs 7 and 8. The settings have been made with STEREO LINK enabled.
Here is another interesting example:
On this setup, all physical output channel pairs are assigned to send out the signal from playback
channel 1 / 2, i.e. you 'clone' the signal from one stereo playback channel to all physical outputs.
Please note that the change of these parameters can be done on the fly, even when playback is running.
To reset the settings to default, you can right click on this panel and then on Reset routing to default.