User's Manual

2.3.1 Installation under Windows
The following text explains how to install GIGAPORT eX under Windows 10. If you use Windows
7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, the steps are basically the same. Do not connect GIGAPORT eX to
your computer before you install the driver if you have connected it already, disconnect the cable
for now.
To start the installation, launch the setup program, which is an .exe file that is inside a recent driver
download from our website by double clicking on it. When launching the installer, Windows might
display a security message. Make sure to allow the installation. After that, the following dialog on
the left will appear. Click Next and then the dialog on the right will appear:
Now click Install. Files are now being copied. After some time an additional dialog will appear:
Confirm this by clicking Next. Again some files are being copied and in some cases you will be
prompted with a Windows Security message like this: