User Manual

MAYA44 eX provides optical S/PDIF digital in &
outputs. You can use this to send signals to the digital
input of an MD Player, CD Recorder, DAT-Recorder or
Digital Mixer. With the digital input, you can record
signals from devices with an optical S/PDIF output. The
Control Panel (see chapter 6 in this manual) allows you
to control S/PDIF input and output parameters.
6. MAYA44 eX Control Panel
This chapter describes the MAYA44 eX Control Panel. To open
the panel double click on the orange color ESI icon in the task
notification area. The following dialog will appear:
6.1 Pull-Down Menus
File Exit: will close the MAYA44 eX control panel window but it will not shut down the control
panel. You can always launch control panel the by clicking ESI icon on the system tray.
Config Mouse Wheel: controls the increment at which the volume is adjusted when using a
mouse wheel. The adjustment step is from 1 to 8.
Config Latency: adjusts the latency (also often referred as buffer size) of MAYA44 eX. A lower
latency is achieved by selecting smaller sample size which is ideal for software synthesizer and