User Manual

The number on the row represents the input or output port. The columns represent ins and outs (on
and off) of the respected drivers. Patch the virtual cables from one point to another as you drag your
mouse point.
INPUT section: It's used to route signals from the card's hardware inputs.
MME section represents general applications I/O (typically older versions), like WinAmp,
WaveLab (non ASIO mode), Cakewalk, Audition, Vegas, etc.
WDM section represents Multi-MME applications I/O (typically newer versions), like SONAR
(when using WDM/KS), PowerDVD, WinDVD, etc.
ASIO section represents ASIO applications, like Cubase, Reason, Nuendo, SONAR (when using
ASIO), Samplitude, etc.
Note that some applications support multiple driver modes. Usually the following applies: when an
application does not support ASIO, it usually supports WDM. Older programs typically support
DirectWIRE Examples
Example 1. Recording from WinAmp (MME) to WaveLab (MME).
If you want to record what's played back in WinAmp, but don't want to hear the sound, you should
click the OUT button in the MME section so it'll change to OFF.