User's Manual

What is ESP?
Definition of ESP: Extra Sensory Perception. The 6th sense, the ability to read
peoples’ minds. ESP is the first Guest Customized Service System™. It streamlines
the service model, through a series of Alerts that come.
Training ESP - What is ESP E-Learning?
ESP has designed a series of courses to train you and your associates prior to you
ever having ESP installed in your building. This way you can be prepared!
Here is how to access the ESP E-Learning Site.
Log onto “”
Enter the user name: The user name is:
Enter the password: The password is:
This will bring you to a black screen with a small computer icon on it.
On this screen, go to the taskbar across the top and click on Tools.
Click on the pop up blocker and make sure the pop-up blocker is turned on (blocking
the pop-up’s) Then click on the computer icon and the program will run.
This course has to be taken from a high speed internet location. Otherwise the
program will not load!
For best retention the course should be taken prior early in the training.