User's Manual

3.4 Power Consumption 3 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION
3.4 Power Consumption
With the advanced power management technology, ESP32 can switch between different power modes as fol-
Power mode
Active mode: chip radio is powered on. The chip can receive, transmit, or listen.
Modem-sleep mode: the CPU is operational and the clock is configurable. Wi-Fi / Bluetooth baseband
and radio are disabled.
Light-sleep mode: the CPU is paused. The RTC and ULP-coprocessor are running. Any wake-up
events (MAC, host, RTC timer, or external interrupts) will wake up the chip.
Deep-sleep mode: Only RTC is powered on. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection data are stored in RTC
memory. The ULP-coprocessor can work.
Hibernation mode: The internal 8MHz oscillator and ULP-coprocessor are disabled. The RTC recovery
memory are power-down. Only one RTC timer on the slow clock and some RTC GPIOs are active. The
RTC timer or the RTC GPIOs can wake up the chip from the Hibernation mode.
Sleep Pattern
Association sleep pattern: The power mode switches between the active mode and Modem-sleep/Light-
sleep mode during this sleep pattern. The CPU, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and radio wake up at pre-determined
intervals to keep Wi-Fi / BT connections alive.
ULP sensor-monitored pattern: The main CPU is in the Deep-sleep mode. The ULP co-processor does
sensor measurements and wakes up the main system, based on the measured data from sensors.
The power consumption varies with different power modes/sleep patterns and work status of functional modules
(see Table 5).
Table 5: Power Consumption by Power Modes
Power mode Comment Power consumption
Active mode (RF working)
Wi-Fi Tx packet 13 dBm ~ 21 dBm 160 ~ 260 mA
Wi-Fi / BT Tx packet 0 dBm 120 mA
Wi-Fi / BT Rx and listening 80 ~ 90 mA
Association sleep pattern (by Light-
0.9 mA@DTIM3, 1.2 mA@DTIM1
Modem-sleep mode The CPU is powered on.
Max speed: 20 mA
Normal: 5 ~ 10 mA
Slow speed: 3 mA
Light-sleep mode - 0.8 mA
Deep-sleep mode
The ULP-coprocessor is powered on. 0.5 mA
ULP sensor-monitored pattern 25 µA @1% duty
RTC timer + RTC memories 20 µA
Hibernation mode RTC timer only 2.5 µA
Espressif Systems 7