Product Drawings

72.3 Electrical
Accessories integrating a C162 shall comply with the electrical requirements in this section.
72.3.1 Power
Accessories integrating a C162 shall provide power from either:
An internal power supply.
An external USB power source.
If the accessory integrates an Internal Power Supply (page 658 ), it:
May accept external power via any of the following integrated connectors so long as the accessory
actively conditions and regulates the power:
USB-B receptacle (Standard, Mini, Micro).
USB-C Receptacle (page 813).
USB-C Plug (page 811).
Non-USB connector.
May consume some of the external power for its own purposes so long as all C162 power
requirements are met.
If the accessory relies on an External USB Power Source (page 659 ) to provide power to the C162 and
does not contain its own internal power supply, it:
Shall connect to the external USB power source via a USB-A plug or USB-C Plug (page 811).
If using a USB-C plug, a 5.1 k Ω pull-down with a tolerance of 5% or better shall be connected to
the USB CC wire.
Shall not consume any power from the external USB power source.
Shall not monitor or modify the USB D+/D- signals from the external USB power source.
The C162 absolute current limit is 1.2 A at 5 V. The current is further limited based on the power source
identification (for example, USB D+/D- resistor network values for 1.0 A or USB enumeration for 500
mA). Internal Power Supply
The accessory's internal power supply for the C162 shall:
Regulate input voltage at the PWR pin of the C162 to 4.75 V - 5.4 V under any load from 0 A to 1
Hold PWR ripple below 20 mVpp under any supported load.
Implement overcurrent protection with a 1.5 A threshold.
Connect USB D+/D- to a resistor network, as shown in Figure 54-1 (page 406 ), using resistor values
for a 1000 mA power source as defined in Table 54-1 (page 407).
2022-04-26 | Copyright © 2022 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
72. Apple Watch Charger Module
72.3 Electrical