
Obviously, here's where the tabletop and the portable go separate ways.
Strong signal handling
With a sensitivity at the 0.5uV level, the E1 needs to have a good front-end, especially when
connected to large outdoor antennas. According to the block diagram in the user manual, the radio
incorporates bandpass filters at 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 30 MHz. The preamp (or "DX" setting) is 10dB
according to the block diagram. According to specifications, IP3 at 5 kHz spacing, preamp on, isn't
really out of this world: -30dBm. It should work well in a "normal" RF environment (whatever a
"normal" RF environment is). What about mine?
My RF environment is surely not normal. It consists mainly of a Loran C transmitter on 100 kHz,
14 km away as the crow flies, and the output is 250kW. I also have an NDB, BV on 399 kHz, 16 km
in the same direction. My North American beverages point more or less directly towards them. I
have an array of five beverages, at present connected to an antenna selector, via a switchable 10-
13dB push-pull Norton preamp, into an amplified 1:8 splitter where the preamp is identical to the
first but has a net gain of 5 dB. It is also switchable. Normally I use the splitter preamp all the time,
and turn on the other preamp when signal levels drop after sunrise or before sunset. I use the
receivers' preamps as I find necessary. But after sunrise, they are indeed needed.
So what's the E1 front-end like? The Loran C should be a good indicator if the receiver is prone to
overload. When both external preamps are engaged, there is a bit more Loran C noise below 1 MHz
than I find on the other receivers. Nothing dramatic though. However, if I engage the "DX" setting,
the Loran C will take over the AGC completely and mute the receiver. But - only below 1 MHz.
The front end filters are doing their job. If I disengage one of them (no matter which), the overload
I also did a test on the 49-meter band at late evening when signal levels are very high. I used an
amplified ALA100 8x4m loop, If I engaged all preamps, there was severe intermod. If I disengaged
one of them (no matter which) the intermod disappeared.
Mind you that none of the other receivers behaved the way the E1 did.
Conclusion: The Eton E1 is not bullet-proof. Use the internal preamp only when it is really
necessary, especially if you have a very strong RF source within the passpand. I feel rather lucky
that Eton chose to put the first bandpass filter at 1 MHz and not at 1.8 or 2. That would have limited
the E1's capability as a MW DX receiver. However, with the preamp disengaged MW sensitivity
will still be close to 1uV. A little disappointment this, but it doesn't really spoil my impression of the
E1. I keep comparing it to receivers/transceivers costing at least three times as much and it is doing
remarkably well.
Conclusion: The Eton E1 is a portable with the ambition to perform equal to a high quality
tabletop. With a few exceptions it really does act like a tabletop, but while getting there it has lost
some of the characteristics of a portable. Nevertheless, the Eton E1 is an excellent receiver in its
own right and will perform admirably in most challenging DX situations. And the price simply
cannot be beat.