Product Instructions

Installation EN
8 / 20 04/2020
Select USB if the tracking base has to be connected physically to the USB port of CONNECT.
Click Write.
Select Ethernet if the tracking base has to be connected to the Ethernet port of CONNECT.
Enter the IP address of the tracking base ( by default), its sub-net mask ( by default) and
the gateway ( by default)..
Click Write.
Write down the tracking base MAC address. This information is mandatory for virtual system configuration
The UWB radio channel used is set to 4 by default (band 3328 - 4659.2 MHz). Other possibilities are:
channel 2 (band 3774 - 4243.2 MHz)
channel 3 (band 4243.2 - 4742.4 MHz)
channel 5 (band 6240 - 6739.2 MHz)
channel 7 (band 5980.3 - 3998.9 MHz)
Installation Instructions
Power supply and communication
1 Tracking base
2 CONNECT inside panel
Plug a USB3.0 A to C cable (not supplied) to the tracking base and to any USB port of CONNECT.
Both power supply and communication are provided.
Via external PoE injector
The PoE injector is not supplied.