Owner's manual

Windows XP Information
Power Management D - 19
Standby saves the least amount of power, but takes the shortest time to return to full
operation. During Standby the hard disk is turned off, and the CPU is made to idle at
its slowest speed. All open applications are retained in memory. When you are not
using your computer for a certain length of time, which you specify in the operating
system, it will enter Standby mode to save power.
Hibernate uses no power and saves all of your information on a part of the HDD be-
fore it turns the system off. Although it saves the most power it takes the longest time
to return to full operation. You will need to enable Hibernate mode from the Hiber-
nate tab in the Power Options control panel. The system will resume from Hiber-
nate mode by pressing the power button.
System Resume
The system can resume
from Standby mode by:
Pressing the power
An alarm resume that
is enabled and expires
An incoming call
received on the
modem (if enabled)
Network card activity
(if enabled)
Figure D - 13
Enable Hibernation