User manual

00075178.DOC, Version 1.0 29/32
DMX protocol
Channel 1 – Preset programs, automatic mode, sound control
DMX value Function
000 – 009 Off
010 – 029 Program 1
030 – 049 Program 2
050 – 069 Program 3
070 – 089 Program 4
090 – 109 Program 5
110 – 129 Program 6
130 – 149 Program 7
150 – 169 Program 8
170 – 189 Program 9
190 – 209 Program 10
210 – 229 Program 11
230 – 249 Automatic mode
250 – 255 Sound control
Channel 2 – Master control
DMX value Function
000 – 255 Dimming from 0 – 100%
Channel 3 – Strobe control
DMX value Function
000 – 009 Off
010 – 255
Strobe slow fast
Channel 4 – Spot 1: Brightness red or running speed
DMX value Function
000 – 255 Dimming from 0 – 100%
If channel 1 is set to a DMX value between 010 – 249, i.e. a preset
program or automatic mode is selected, channel 4 controls the
running speed:
DMX value Function
000 – 255
Running speed slow fast
Channel 5 – Spot 1: Brightness green or fade time
DMX value Function
000 – 255 Dimming from 0 – 100%
If channel 1 is set to a DMX value between 010 – 249, i.e. a preset
program or automatic mode is selected, channel 5 controls the
fade time:
DMX value Function
000 Off
000 – 255
Fade time fast slow
Channel 6 – Spot 1: Brightness blue
DMX value Function
000 – 255 Dimming from 0 – 100%