User Guide

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Set Point 2 (SP2) adjustment mode
This lets you adjust the pH (or ORP) value in Set Point 2. If this value is crossed,
the set point relay 2 LED will light.
1. Press the SP2/ key. The screen will scroll P2.1, SP2, and then the current
set point value.
2. Press the or keys and adjust second relay set point. You can adjust it
in 0.01 increments from 0.00 to 14.00 pH (-999 to 1000 mV).
3. Press ENTER to confirm and return to the measurement mode.
NOTE: Press and keys together (ESCAPE) at anytime, to return to
Measurement mode.
NOTE: These modes are only for adjusting relay 1 and/or relay 2 set points values.
To set the relays as low or high set points or to set its hysteresis values, you have
to make the adjustments from the Setup mode as in Section 9.3 and Section 9.4.