User Guide

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P1.3: Set Hysteresis value
Hysteresis prevents rapid contact switching if your value is fluctuating near the set
point. Once activated, the relay will not return to resting position until the measured
value has passed through the set point plus hysteresis value.
Example: With a low set point of 4.00 and a hysteresis value of 0.5, the relay will
activate at pH values below 4.00, but will not de-activate till the measured pH value
rises above pH 4.50.
The hysteresis window can be set to any value within the range shown below:
pH mode: 0.00 to 2.00 pH
ORP mode: 0 to 300 mV
1. Key in the password “022” as per procedure in Section 5.
2. The screen will scroll P1.0 and SP1. Press ENTER three times.
3. The screen will scroll P1.3, HYS1, and current hysteresis value.
4. Press the or keys to adjust the hysteresis value.
5. Press ENTER to confirm and return to general Setup mode.
Press and keys together (ESCAPE) to return to measurement mode.