User's Manual

CryptoIdentity User Guide – 3. Working with CryptoIdentity Utilies
The AR Genie utility in advanced mode provides these additional features:
Slot menu
- Get Information: provides general information about the CryptoIdentity token
- Refresh List: refresh the "slots" list.
Token menu
- View objects: allows to view the public objects stored into the CryptoIdentity USB
token. Logging in to the token (by inserting the CryptoIdentity PIN from the Token-
>Login menu) it is also possible to view the private objects stored into
Options menu
- Logs: enables the automatic generation of the logging files.
- Programs: allows to insert the CryptoIdentity label during initialization process
and to enforce PIN request before viewing the objects stored into the token.
- Advanced: provides several information and options about CryptoIdentity and
related Reader.
Each other AR Genie feature is explained in the AR Genie help. To open the AR Genie
Help, select the menu Help->Contents. Please refer to the AR Genie help for further
information about the AR Genie utility.
CryptoKit provides this utility to change the PIN of your CryptoIdentity.
To use it, run the program Password Change Utility from Windows Start Menu (Start-
> Programs-> Eutron CryptoKit).
The following is the Password Change Utility main window: