User's Manual

3 Introducing SmartKey
Just imagine being able to limit the execution of any PC program, so that you can decide on which and how many
computers your software can be executed. SmartKey is a software protection dongle, i.e. a hardware device that
performs this very function, with the aim of preventing illegal diffusion of the software. The program that is protected
by a call to the system, controls if SmartKey is present on the computer or on the SmartKey server computer, in the case
of a 'networked' configuration. If the dongle is not present, the program shuts down. The call to the system usually
occurs when the program has been commanded to execute, but can occur several times or when the programmer
considers it most appropriate.
SmartKey is available in two versions:
SmartKey Parallel: SmartKey is connected to the computer via the parallel port
SmartKey USB: SmartKey is connected to the computer via the USB port.
Both models are small and compact, less than matchbox size. Using SmartKey Parallel does not prevent you from using
the parallel port for the printer. In fact, you can connect, other SmartKey Parallels to SmartKey Parallel, or a printer
cable or the cable of any other device using the parallel port. Several SmartKey USBs can be connected to the system by
using the USB hub. Using SmartKey neither slows down the system nor creates hardware or software conflicts with
other devices and programs. SmartKey Parallel must be fitted in the parallel port and connected to the other devices
before switching on the computer. Instead, SmartKey USB can be fitted and removed also while the computer is in
In terms of programs, the two types of SmartKey are used in the same way: a program protected by a SmartKey Parallel
can also be used with a SmartKey USB and vice-versa without making any modifications to the software. Hardware
management of the two types of SmartKey is wholly assigned to the drivers supplied.
The SmartKeys area available in five different models, distinguished by their functions:
SmartKey FX (Fixed) With fixed security algorithms and codes
SmartKey PR (Programmable) With programmable safety codes, and internal memory
SmartKey EP (Extended Protection) Like PR, with extended security performance
SmartKey SP (Super Protection) Like EP, with more memory and user-programmable security algorithms.
SmartKey XM (Extended Memory) Like SP, with more memory.
SmartKey NET (Network) For networked programs.
SmartKey SP and XM are the version offering the greatest degree of security. SmartKey NET also makes it possible to
protect programs installed on several computers connected by a network. It is the most expensive, but a single dongle is
sufficient to protect the programs in a network of computers.
SmartKey is compatible with Linux, Mac OS X and all Microsoft DOS and Windows operating systems. Eutronsec
supplies both the drivers and the libraries for these operating systems. However, SmartKey Parallel is not supported by
Mac OS X and SmartKey USB cannot be used with operating systems that do not support the USB port, with the
exception of Windows NT. The drivers supplied by Eutronsec enable use of SmartKey USB with Windows NT.
SmartKey USB is also available in DL (Driver Less) model that does not require any additional driver installation for its
The libraries supplied by Eutronsec make it possible to write protected programs in Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
For Microsoft operating systems, programs with a graphic interface are available, that facilitate the installation,
configuration and use of SmartKey. By using the Global Security System (GSS), you can automatically protect a
program without any particular IT knowledge and without having the programs source code.
GSS is not available for use with Linux and Mac OS X and, therefore, manual protection only is possible with these two
operating systems.
The following tables summarize the support supplied for operating systems Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.