User's Manual

==0 Success
!=0 Error
Table 38
Exchange of information for ACCESS MODE
Apart from this, the same methods - already analyzed for manual protection with a standalone program - apply.
11.3 User number mode
This command is used to obtain the number of users connected to the dongle specified in the Label field.
This command works only if a net protocol is used and not with the LOCAL protocol. If used with the LOCAL protocol
the error –2 (SYNT_ERR) is returned.
To use this command with the Map protection you must also specify the Map application code in the Data field as
described in the Map chapter.
The exchange of information is organized like this:
Models NET
NET_PASS Net Password
Output STATUS Status
>=0 Number of connected users
<0 Error
Table 39
Exchange of information for USER NUMBER MODE
11.4 Close mode
The CLOSE mode is used for 'closing' (LOGOUT request) of communication to SmartKey by the program connected
by means of a previous OPEN call.
If, due to an error in the application software, the program ends without first executing a CLOSE operation of the open
dongle, there may be problems linked to the time-out management of the Client. Such problems sometimes require
booting the computer. The opening and closing operation must be carefully observed in order not to uselessly prevent
other users from employing the key.
The exchange of information is organized like this:
Models NET
NET_PASS Net Password
Output STATUS Status
==0 Success
!=0 Error
Table 40
Exchange of information for CLOSE MODE
11.5 Close mode on timeout
To prevent use of licenses if the program is terminated incorrectly (e.g. because the PC was switched off, or the
<CTRL><ALT><DEL> command was given), a transparent refresh function for
is implemented. This is
actually the automatic disconnection of users who have not used the CLOSE mode correctly. The timeout control