User's Manual

Figure 3 Pop-up log and error number of operating system
Normally, only the Install and Uninstall functions need be used. The Eliminate function must be used only if problems
occur in executing other functions. The Eliminate function removes all reference to the system's SmartKey drivers, thus
making it possible to recover all the error conditions that may occur during installation of a driver. When using
Eliminate, the system must always be rebooted.
13.3 The SDI library
The functions used for the SDI program are contained in the skeyinst.dll library, provided in the development kit
supplied by Eutronsec. Specifically, the prototypes of the functions are contained in skeyinst.h and the functions in
skeyinst.dll. The library can be used both for writing programs and for writing installation set-up scripts. The
development kit contains some examples of scripts for InstallShield.
These are the library functions:
SkeyInstallUSB Installs the drivers for SmartKey USB
SkeyInstallPar Installs the drivers for SmartKey Parallel
SkeyInstallGSS2 Installs the drivers for Global Security System
SkeyUnInstallUSB Uninstalls the drivers for SmartKey USB
SkeyUnInstallPar Uninstalls the drivers for SmartKey Parallel
SkeyUnInstallGSS2 Uninstalls the drivers for Global Security System
SkeyForceUnInstallUSB Forces removal of drivers for SmartKey USB
SkeyForceUnInstallPar Forces removal of drivers for SmartKey Parallel
SkeyForceUnInstallGSS2 Forces removal of drivers for Global Security System
SkeyLogFile Activates writing of a log file for all performed operations.
SkeyGetLastError Returns last code error.
Installation functions SkeyInstallUSB, SkeyInstallPar and SkeyInstallGSS2 automatically control the status of the
drivers before executing the installation.