Use and Care Manual

Glass Furniture
How to Care for Glass Furniture:
1. Do not slide rough objects across glass. This can cause permanent scratches to the
2. Do not use abrasive cleaners on glass, which may cause scratches.
3. Do not clean glass without gently removing excessive dirt and debris first, so as not to
scratch the surface.
4. To clean glass, choose a non-abrasive commercial glass cleaner, or use warm water and
a soft, lint-free cloth. Wring out excess water and wipe surface. Dry immediately with a
dry lint-free cloth.
Metal Furniture
How to Care and Clean Metal Furniture:
1. When it comes to cleaning metal, less is more. Simply dusting regularly with a clean, dry
cloth will generally do the trick.
2. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on metal finishes, as they can be quite
3. Note: iron or steel frames can rust if exposed to excessive humidity, particularly in
saltwater locations.
Painted Furniture
How to Care and Clean Painted Furniture
1. Dust or wipe clean with a cloth dampened with water once a week. Be sure not to leave
water spots on the surface. These water spots will dry and could possibly leave
permanent marks.
2. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners on painted finishes, as they can be
quite damaging.
3. Clean stains/spots using the following steps:
4. Dampen a soft cloth with a mixture of hot water and liquid dishwashing detergent.
Wring the cloth as much as possible to remove excess liquid. Rub the surface lightly in a
circular motion. Dry the surface immediately with a clean, soft towel.