Operation Manual

Usage of Gas Cooktop
1. Before starting to use your cooktop, be sure burner hoods are at
correct position. Correct placement of burner hoods are shown in the
following gure.
2. Gas cocks have a special locking mechanism. Therefore, to operate
cooktop zone, press button by pushing ahead and while opening or
closing the cock, hold down the button.
Closed Fully open Half open
3. For automatic igniting models, igniting is realized via electricity.
Therefore, before operating appliance, be sure that appliance has
electric connection. Igniting for these models is as follows.
4. Pay attention that cooktop grills are placed on cooktop table
completely. In case of failure about this matter can cause pouring
of the materials to be put on that.
5. For the models having gas putting out safety, following realizing
ignition procedure according to the guidelines above, wait for 5-10
seconds by pushing button ahead without keeping your hands off.
Figure 10 Figure 11
Cooktop cock
is at closed
To ignite cook-
top, rstly press
the button
towards ahead.
While hold-
ing down the
button, lighter
steps in and
starts to
By turning the
button right while
holding down,
you can provide
ignition at ame
length you want.