User's Manual

Scroll through the menu until ‘4-3 RECORD VOICE’ is
displayed and press .
Scroll through the available menu options until the
required message type to be recorded is displayed.
a) Main Alarm message, (12 seconds max).
b) Intruder Alarm message, (4 seconds max).
c) Fire Alarm message, (4 seconds max).
d) Panic Alarm message, (4 seconds max).
To record a new message press .
Press to start the voice recorder. Once
completed the recording will automatically be
replayed, or
Press to exit without changing.
Note: After recording the message, press to
stop the recorder and cancel any remaining message
Press to return to the top level Voice Dialer setup
Scroll through the menu until ‘4-4 REPLAY ALARM
MESSAGES’ is displayed and press .
Scroll through the available menu options until the
required message type is displayed.
a) Main + Intruder Messages
b) Main + Fire Messages
c) Main + Panic Messages
To replay the message press .
Press to return to the top level Voice Dialer setup
This feature controls which telephone numbers are
enabled in the dialing sequence and are dialed when
the voice dialer is activated.
The current routing sequence is displayed on screen in
the order of phone numbers 1-4. An ‘X’ indicates the
number is disabled and a ‘O’ indicates the number is
enabled in the routing sequence. e.g. A display =
“000x” indicates a call sequence of phone nos.1,2 and
3, phone number 4 is disabled and not called.
Default setting: all numbers disabled.
Scroll through the menu until ‘4-5 CALL ROUTING’ is
displayed. The current settings will also be displayed.
Scroll through the available menu options until the
required telephone number (1-4) to be configured is
displayed. The current status will also be displayed.
To change the setting press .
Press to enable the number in the routing
sequence, or
Press to disable the number in the routing
Press to return to the top level Voice Dialer
Setup menu.
This sets the number of acknowledged phone numbers
required to stop the voice dialer. For example if set to
“2” then the dialing sequence will continue until an
acknowledgment is received from two different
numbers, (e.g. Phone No. 1 and Phone No. 3).
Default setting: 1
Scroll through the menu until ‘4-6 Tel Confirm Times’
is displayed. The current settings will also be
To change the setting press .
Enter the required number (1-4).
Press to save and exit, or
Press to exit without saving.
This sets the maximum number of times that the dialer
will attempt to contact each enabled telephone number
in the call routing sequence.