User's Guide

It's will get loud. Your hearing aids are bound to pick up sounds
which you may have never heard before distinctively. Let's say, even though
the sound of crunching crisps is not a new thing, it may sound louder. That's
why we always advise our users to keep the volume low when wearing your
hearing aids for the first time.
patient and trust the process.
For the first two to four weeks, you'll be hearing a lot of unfamiliar sounds.
Your voice may sound a little different. This is known as the occlusion effect.
During the familiarization phase, you can start by using your hearing aids
indoors, for instance, watching TV, listening to the music as you learn how
to increase or reduce the hearing aids volume to suit your needs. You may
increasing the length of time you use your hearing aids. Before you know it,
you'll be comfortable and regularly using hearing aids.
Therefore, before you fully get accustomed to your new life, kindly keep the
volume low. Remember, the sound coming in should sound clear, not loud.
Why is it so loud?