User's Manual

Exalt Communications Inc.
EX-2.4i Installation and Maintenance Manual
Page 7
MAN-002400, Revision 001
In many cases, the radio must be pre-configured for legal maximum output power
before connecting to the antenna and transmission system. Instructions for
adjusting the output power can be found in this section (below) and in section 5.
The following information pertains to specific regulatory requirements based on up-to-date
information for countries where the EX-2.4i is authorized. A list of recommended antennas can
be found in section 4.3.
2.2.1 United States
The EX-2.4i operates under FCC Rule Parts 15.247 as a license-exempt device, and must be
professionally installed. It may only be used as a point-to-point transmission device for fixed or
temporary-fixed (non-mobile) installations. The device is subject to the following restrictions:
External amplifiers may not be used to boost the power, or to overcome transmission
system losses, unless the specific amplifier/cable/antenna combination has expressly been
authorized by the FCC. The output power must never exceed +30dBm.
Cross-border transmissions are expressly prohibited, except with written permission from
both the FCC and the governing body of the neighboring country (Cofetel for Mexico,
Industry Canada for Canada)
Only parabolic dish antennas or directional flat-panel antennas may be used. No other
types of antennas (omni-directional, yagi, etc.) are authorized. Parabolic dishes of either
grid or solid type are allowed. Maximum gain of each type of antenna certified is:
o Parabolic Dish: 30.3 dBi (6-foot diameter)
o Directional Flat Panel: 20.5 dBi (~2-foot square)
Maximum transmit power with respect to FCC (USA) EIRP regulations is determined
with the following equation:
P = 30 - [(G - 6)/3] + L
P = Maximum output power of radio, in dBm
G = Specified gain of antenna, in dBi, from 2400 to 2483.5 MHz
L = Total transmission system losses of all elements between the radio’s RF
connector and the antenna’s RF connector (all cables, connectors, lightning
suppressors), in dB, as specified or measured between 2400 and 2483.5MHz
The maximum EIRP allowed for this device is 52.2 dBm. The maximum RF output
power is +30dBm.
The professional installer is responsible to assure that RF output power has been properly
adjusted so that it does not exceed the regulatory limit, per these conditions.