User's Manual

Exalt Communications, Inc.
Exalt i-Series Installation and Management Guide
5000001 140
EX-5i EIRP by Country
Table 13 summarizes the maximum power by band and country for Exalt’s EX-5i series
5250–5350 MHz band
For the EX-5i models within the 5250–5350 MHz band, the maximum transmit power is
23 dBm. The maximum output of the radio is +13 dBm.
P = CP – G + L
P = Maximum transmitter output power of radio, in dBm
CP = Maximum Conducted Power of transmitter output power of
radio, in dBm
G = Specified gain of antenna, in dBi, from 5250 to 5350 MHz
L = Total transmission system losses of all elements between the
radio’s RF connector and the antenna’s RF connector (all
cables, connectors, lightning suppressors), in dB, as specified or
measured between 5250 and 5350 MHz
5470–5725 MHz band
For the EX-5i models within the 5470-5725 MHz band, the maximum EIRP allowed is
30 dBm. The maximum output power of the radio is +13 dBm.
P = CP – G + L
P = Maximum transmitter output power of radio, in dBm
CP = Maximum Conducted Power of transmitter output power of
radio, in dBm
G = Specified gain of antenna, in dBi, from 5470 to 5725 MHz
L = Total transmission system losses of all elements between the
radio’s RF connector and the antenna’s RF connector (all