User's Manual

Exalt Communications, Inc.
Exalt i-Series Installation and Management Guide
5000001 58
Set one radio as Radio A.
The radio selected as Radio A must be configured.
Radio A/B selection is the Endpoint Identifier parameter on the System
Configuration page.
Even though both radios are set as Radio B by default, confirm this configuration
on the radio intended to be Radio B.
If all other parameters are still configured at their factory default settings, the radios can
now be connected back-to-back to verify that the link is communicating and perform any
other desired tests. See Back-to-back Bench Testing on page 104 for test information.
Navigating the describes each page of the GUI. Most configuration parameter settings are
intuitive. The following link parameters must match at both ends for the link to
Link Security Key (Administration Settings page)
Bandwidth (System Configuration page)
RF Frequency (System Configuration page)
Link Distance (System Configuration page)
TDD Frame Size (System Configuration page)
Note: Changing any of these parameters causes a temporary loss of
link. The GUI displays a warning and provides an opportunity to cancel
Navigating the GUI
The GUI provides the primary interface for all configuration and management. There are
three sections of the main GUI window, as shown in Figure 21:
Summary status information section (upper-left corner)
Navigation panel
Main window