User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Exalt Installation and Management Guide
EX-i Series (TDD) Digital Microwave Radios
124 206501-019
5470–5725 MHz band
For EX-5i models within the 5470–5725 MHz band, the maximum EIRP allowed is specified in
Table 15. The maximum output power of the radio is +13 dBm.
P = ME – G + L
5725–5850 MHz band
For EX-5i models within the 5725–5850 MHz band, the maximum transmit power with respect to
specific country EIRP regulations is determined based on the channel bandwidth. The EIRP power
limit is specified in Table 15. The Exalt EX-5i series radios maximum transmitter conducted power is
+24 dBm. Use the following equation to determine the maximum transmitter power for the radio:
P = ME – G + L
P = Maximum transmitter output power of radio, in dBm.
ME = Maximum EIRP, as specified in Table 15.
G = Specified gain of antenna, in dBi, from 5470 to 5725 MHz.
L = Total transmission system losses of all elements between the radio’s RF connector and
the antenna’s RF connector (all cables, connectors, lightning suppressors), in dB, as
specified or measured between 5470 and 5725 MHz.
P = Maximum transmitter output power of radio, in dBm.
ME = Maximum EIRP, as specified in Table 15.
G = Specified gain of antenna, in dBi, from 5725 to 5850 MHz.
L = Total transmission system losses of all elements between the radio’s RF connector and
the antenna’s RF connector (all cables, connectors, lightning suppressors), in dB, as
specified or measured between 5725 and 5850 MHz.
Table 15 EU and ITU Country Specific EIRP Levels for EX-5i Series
Maximum EIRP
5.3 GHz band
Maximum EIRP
5.4 GHz band
Maximum EIRP
5.8 GHz band
(BW dependent)
Austria 23 dBm 30 dBm 5 dBm
Belgium 30 dBm
Cyprus 23 dBm 30 dBm
Czech Republic 30 dBm
Denmark 23 dBm 30 dBm 33/36 dBm
Estonia 23 dBm 30 dBm
Finland 23 dBm 30 dBm
France 23 dBm 30 dBm 33/36 dBm
Germany 23 dBm 30 dBm 33/36 dBm
Ghana 23 dBm 30 dBm 33/36 dBm