User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Exalt Installation and Management Guide
EX-i Series GigE (FDD)
202675-008 127
RF connector 27
RF connector termination 23
RF interface 92
RF interference 101
RF lightning arrestor 27
RF output power 9
RMT button 19
RSL 10
current RSL readings 73
diagnostics 79
Maximum RSL field 73
Minimum RSL Timestamp field 73
monitor for performance 100
RSL voltage 28
safety 107
serial console interface 93
Set to E1 Mode button 54
Set to T1 Mode button 54
shipping box contents 8
site preparation 7
SMA cables 8
SNMP 12, 40
SNMP Traps 41
space diversity 22
specifications 88
Spectrum Analyzer page 83
Swap button 46
system parameters
default settings 24
system performance 72
system settings
Current BER field 72, 73
Errored Seconds (ES) field 72
grounding 102
Maximum RSL 73
Minimum RSL field 73
Time Since Reset field 73
Unavailable Seconds field 73
system specifications 88
11GHz 91
5GHz 89
6GHz 90
T1 Interface Configuration page 54
T1/E1 Configuration page 54
T1/E1 connections 94
T1/E1 connectors 94
T1/E1 interfaces 92
TDM allocation 51
TDM circuit 7
TDM circuits 48
Telnet session 30
temperature 79, 88
testing 104
back-to-back bench 9
threshold 105
threshold testing 105
time division duplex (TDD) See TDD frame
Time Since Reset 73
transmission line
coaxial 26
egress 27
transmitter output power 7
Transmitter/Receiver (TR) frequency param-
eter 49
traps 41
troubleshooting 79, 99
TX Frequency parameter 49
Unavailable Seconds (UAS) 73
Update button 37
user privileges 33
VLAN page 61
voltage test 28
VSWR 101
waveguide 22
waveguide adapter 22
waveguide flange adapters 8