User's Manual

Exalt Communications, Inc.
EX-5r Installation & Management
5000007 29
Selecting 1 or 2 will reveal the Configuration or Status menus respectively. Selecting 3 will exit
from the CLI/Telnet session.
For all screens, the following selections can be made:
0 = back to previous screen
9 = help
Ctrl+\ (control and backslash keys) = exit session
The following table depicts the complete CLI tree structure:
1. Configuration
1. IP address and Mask
2. IP default gateway
3. Administration
1. System time and date
2. System reboot
3. Password
4. File transfer
5. File activation
2. Status
1. Refresh summary (not active in this release)
2. Moreā€¦
1. Radio alarm
2. Radio performance
3. Radio performance reset
4. Radio status
5. Radio log
Table 5-1: CLI Tree Structure
5.2 Introduction to the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The browser-based GUI provides the primary user interface for configuration and
troubleshooting of the radio and radio system.
A computer or hand-held device with a conventional html browser and Ethernet port is required.
Microsoft Internet Explorer is the preferred browser to use with the EX-5r, however other
browsers may operate without issue.
5.2.1 Preparing to Connect
If the radios are new out-of-the box, both radios will be configured as Radio B, and both radios
will have the same (default) IP address. The initial priority will be to configure one radio to
Radio A, and to have two different IP addresses assigned, one unique to each radio.
Regarding IP address, follow these instructions to change to your desired IP address: