Users Manual Part 1

Receiving and Responding to a Group CallGroup Call
You may transmitting a Group Call through any of the following
Transmitting a call to the preset contacts.
In the home screen,hold down PTT Key to transmitting a Group Call
to the Group Call Contacts preset for the current Channel.
(By the Group Knob to select a group you want to call).
1. Press Menu Key to Main Menu
2. Go to Contracts List--Group Call Contacts ” or “ Call Logs
to access outgoing/Incoming /Missed Call.
3. Use the Up/Down Key to select the Group Call contacts you
want to call.
4. Use P3 Key or PTT Key to transmitting a Group Call.
1.Input a Group Call number you want to call.
2. Use PTT Key, P3 Key or Dail Keypad # to transmitting a Group Call.
1. Use P3 key ,to go to Call Logs List or press P4 Key to
select group call number you want to call.
2. Use P3 key or PTT Key to transmitting a Group Call.
Voice Call
After seting up a call ,Hold down PTT key to initiate a
call when the calling party and the called party are in
the PTT Allowed interface.
When a Group Call is received, your radio will display the
icon and have a "De"alertting tone.
Press P3 or PTT Key,the incoming call iron will disappear .
Late Access
Before Group Call set up to the ended, those following type
radios will join in this haven’t ended Group Call such as :
Raio just powering on , Radio just roams from other
base station or radio just releases from other group .
DMR Functions and Operations
Transmitting a group call to the contacts List or Call Logs.
Transmitting a Group Call through manual input
Transmitting a call through recall List or Call Logs